The COVID-19 vaccination programme serves to reduce the rate of transmission of the COVID-19 in the general population as well as reduce mortality among those vaccinated. The UK government has mandated that having the vaccine, or being exempt, is a requirement for employment for all staff working in a residential social care environment as well as for all professional visitors.
From 11th November 2021, the home is required to only employ staff and allow entry to the home to professionals and tradespersons who have had both COVID-19 vaccinations. This includes (but is not limited to):
- Care workers
- Support staff
- Volunteers
- Maintenance staff
- Healthcare professionals including GPs, nurses and allied health professionals
- Social workers
- Trainers
- Tradespeople
- Hairdressers
- Entertainers
- Delivery staff
The only groups exempt from this requirement are:
- Residents
- Personal Visitors
- People with a valid exemption certificate from a medical practitioner
- People providing aid in a crisis situation such as a fire
This notice describes how data is being collected, stored, accessed and used to demonstrate to the Care Quality Commission that this service is complying with the requirement to enforce this regulation.
The collection, storage and access to your personal data are important and will ensure that staff and other individuals entering this service are safely vaccinated against COVID-19, taking into account the time period required between each of the two vaccinations.
For more information about how we manage your data you can talk to the data controller for the service:
Mrs Lindsay Lewis – 07376 142075
What data is being collected?
Information COVID-19 vaccines received by staff and any other individuals entering the premises to undertake a job of work.
The information collected, stored and maintained for access is:
- Name – where necessary verified using official photographic ID.
- Role – internal and external staff.
- Record that proof of vaccination has been seen (this is via the NHS App or COVID passport)
- Date of Vaccinations
- Signature of staff member checking the data
This data will only be used to allow entry to the service. It will not be used for any other purpose.
Data about your vaccinations will only be made available to the Registered Manager and other staff who may have to vet access to the home, e.g. the reception staff, senior staff on duty. This access is to facilitate staff in the undertaking of their legal duties.
Guidance for staff
In order to ensure both the safety of residents, visitors and staff and to comply with the legislated requirement, we will hold this data in a secure manner, which is only accessed when allowing access to the service and for no other purpose.
Guidance for people on the register
You may ask for your information to be redacted from the data record held regarding vaccination status at any time. For staff, this will mean that you may no longer be employed by this service. For external staff, this means you will no longer be allowed access to the service.
You may ask to see the details we hold about you at any time with reasonable notice. We will obscure the data about other individuals when sharing this data with you.
We will destroy the register once it is no longer needed.
We will not share this data with anyone else including the regulator.
We will hold a paper copy of this data to enable it to be used to allow access to the service.
The legal basis for collecting this data
The legal basis for collecting this data is derived from legislation contained within: Health and Social Care Act 2008 (Regulated Activities) (Amendment) (Coronavirus) Regulations 2021 (‘the regulations’).