Equal Opportunities
The Homes Equal Opportunities Policy
Our Principles
We are committed to providing equality of opportunity for staff in our employment and residents who receive our services, and will abide by the following principles:
As an employer we accept the statutory requirements laid down in the Equalities Act 2010.
It is unlawful for an employer or employee to discriminate against or to treat an individual differently on the grounds of colour, race, ethnic origin, marital status, nationality, gender, disability, sexuality, religion, belief or age. We will ensure that no one who applies for a job or staff employed by us receives less favourable treatment on any of these grounds.
We are committed to the active promotion of equal opportunity in our services, and we recognise that the achievement of equal opportunities will require the participation of all staff and a commitment to this policy.
Service Users
In our services to our residents we will ensure that:
All residents are treated as individuals.
We recognize and have a positive attitude to the colour, race, ethnic origin, marital status, nationality, gender, disability, sexuality, religion, belief or age of our residents.
When planning and delivering care to our residents, our staff will take into account the different and special needs of each resident.
We will as part of our training programme ensure that staff are aware of their responsibilities in promoting and achieving equal opportunities.
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Outstanding care for older people