Firstly, apologies for no emails over the last two weeks. As you can imagine, with the changes occurring behind the scenes and fitting in some annual leave, the weeks have flown by.
As always, I have been accessible throughout my annual leave via email, where I have been happy to reply to families who have been in touch.
Hoping that this email will bring some long-awaited news.
From Tuesday 4th May 2021, the guidance has changed to allow us to facilitate visits away from the home with the chosen named visitors.
I think you will agree that this is a positive but cautious move. However, we feel as a Management Team that for staff and residents who have had their second vaccines and families who are named visitors having at least their 1st dose and hopefully their 2nd dose, we can do no more than we are doing.
Speaking with GPs, the Local Authority, and other professionals, who have identified that there have been no positive cases in Ludlow for the last six weeks. This is great news that hopefully we are nearer the end than the beginning.
Every one of you who have had close contact visits, you have all been amazing and have followed the guidelines explicitly.
We have placed an order for the smaller packs of 7 but at present we only have the stocks of 24 which are not licensed to be given out to visitors, however as soon as we have these in stock, we will disburse them to you at the earliest opportunity.
With regards to the visits away from the home, there is still guidance that will need to be followed and this is where being open and honest is vital.
Named visitors can take their relative/friend out (after providing evidence of a negative LFT) in a personal car, walking or wheelchair.
We are advised that public transport should be avoided due to the increased risk.
They are advising that the visits are held in the open air whenever possible. However, we are aware the British weather is unpredictable; therefore, if you need to be inside, please ensure windows and doors where possible are open to allow ventilation and wear face masks/visors if less than a 2-metre distance apart cannot be maintained.
We will be introducing the use of visors in the garden, as we feel that visits are so beneficial and improve the mental and emotional wellbeing of our residents as you are outside. Then, the visors will provide the most enhanced experience.
We have all worked so hard to maintain resident safety, and we expect that when they are away from the home you will maintain the safety guidelines prescribed.
Together we will hopefully find some normality in this currently abnormal situation.
Sadly, we have lost a few of our beloved residents over the last month, thankfully not covid related but through old age.
This is a very sad time for both staff and residents, and our condolences are extended to their families.
All residents and staff have been whole home tested prior to this email to ensure we have a satisfactory baseline of safety by being Covid free before more external visits are booked. All the test results should be with us tomorrow.
All staff are continuing with the weekly PCR tests (the ones that get sent away) and the LFT (rapid tests) twice a week.
The revised Key worker communication system is working well, and this will remain in place for the foreseeable future.
Lastly, two staff will be walking 26.2 miles in aid of Parkinson’s UK. They will be supported by some residents who, over the week prior, will be wearing their pedometers and do the equivalent around the home and with the walking club.
Any donations will be greatly received, and there is a donation box in the office for anyone who would like to support them.
I hope that this clarifies all current issues, but should you have any questions, concerns or comments, please feel free to email myself or Vince.
Kindest Regards, and again thank you for your support.
Lindsay, Vince, and all of Team Hendra x