Last week we held our most recent Residents Meeting at the home in advance of the relative’s meeting which took place later in the evening.
The notes from the meeting are recorded below:
Residents spoke regarding how they have felt after 2 years of the pandemic, and it was interesting on their views as some residents have lived at Hendra throughout the pandemic and others have moved in during the pandemic.
The feeling of all the residents was how grateful they were for the steps taken by the staff to keep them safe, especially when the staff locked in with them.
One resident felt that at Hendra we work tightly with the regulations but prefers it that way as he feels safe when at the home. He hasn’t felt restricted (unless in an outbreak) as he has been able to use his mobility scooter and visit friends, staff always support him to do this when possible.
The residents expressed when Lindsay mentioned options for visits, their thoughts on the garden being sectioned, they rejected this idea due to this being their outdoor area and they all use different areas of the garden and therefore enjoyed by those who wish to go outside. This would be of no benefit to them.
Lindsay identified that on the 20th of April the fourth vaccine clinic is taking place at Hendra and how would they feel if the visits progressed to room visits after the vaccines have been received and this, they felt was a wise plan.
Residents also discussed the menus, and all agreed the food that they receive was “Marvelous” and caters for all portion sizes and dietary conditions. They enjoy the crusty baguettes, Lemon Pudding and traditional puddings like Rice Pudding, Semolina etc.
The activities plan has been received by all residents and feedback was given. When the weather is better, the walking club will restart, and a garden party will be planned.
One resident identified that as the pandemic is still about could we possibly look at antibacterial hand wipes rather than the hand washing bowl. Lindsay thanked the resident for the comment as this was a great piece of feedback. Lindsay has said to look out for the monthly activities list as this will highlight the next available date for the resident’s meeting.