I hope that this update finds you all safe and well.
Sadly, we have had 2 confirmed cases of Covid amongst the staff and therefore they have been asked to isolate for the 7 days. This now means that even though at present we have no identified cases of Covid with residents in the home is deemed to be in an outbreak situation.
We are looking at ways forward and how we protect our residents, visitors and staff during these times.
We have been informed that there is a new variant which is in 1/4 of care homes within Shropshire and the facts are that the cases have doubled in the last week. We know that this is due to the change in guidance and moving forward to living with covid. Sadly, this has caused an increase as expected however, we have received guidance which we do still need to follow.
There will be door visits still available to limit contact, and there is the option of ONE visitor becoming a caregiver.
This ONE person has access into the conservatory and will continue even through an outbreak period, providing that they join the staff in the care home testing which would be LFTs for every visit and PCRs posted when requested.
If you could all communicate within your families to give me the name of the ONE caregiver, this would be much appreciated so that a list can be generated.
Can we also try and be thoughtful to other families if you have an allocated caregiver that comes into the home? The door visits are given to the resident’s families who are happy to return to door visits and this is the only means of seeing their loved ones.
We will be whole home testing again over the weekend, so we will keep you all up to date with any developments.
We are extending the visiting times to try to accommodate they will be on the hour only to allow staff the ability to plan / clean in-between visits.
They will start from 9am through to 8pm avoiding 12 noon and 5pm as these are times when meals are served and important times for the staff to be with the residents.
As ever if you have any concerns or require any further information, please do not hesitate to contact myself or Vince.