Thank you for your understanding and emails of support.
I have heard back from Public Health England, and they have some great news. Only those who have tested positive are to isolate, they can still have ONE visitor at any one time, so there is no need to allocate a named visitor. When booking, we are to inform friends and family if they are visiting someone with Covid so that you are aware of the risk.
Those with no symptoms and are Covid negative can leave the home as normal. I mentioned if we could LFT residents like the staff are doing. They have confirmed that it would be a good idea so that you all know before you take them out that they are negative and potentially free from passing it onto the visitors away from the home.
This is great news as its steps toward achieving some normality and moving forward with living with another virus.
I am awaiting confirmation from the surgery regarding Covid Booster Clinic at Hendra. This has been provisionally booked for the beginning of April. However, I have advised that nearly all the residents are still within the 90 days of positive testing and if this will delay the booster. As soon as I know, I will update you all.
All residents will be offered the booster and have the right to decline if they wish.
If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact Vince or me.