Sorry for the late update. I’ve been in meetings and catching up with being off poorly (pre warn …there is a vertigo virus now going about). Thank you for your patience. It’s much appreciated.
I have great news. We are COVID-FREE again. There has been a huge change in the guidance that no longer requires staff to LFT test, and residents will only be tested if we think there could be Covid. If that resident is positive, then only 4 more residents will be tested. These residents will be selected on risk level. The residents that meet the criteria for treatment due to a listed medical condition will be on this list and will be reviewed at the time.
The staff will only be required to wear masks when carrying out personal care, as the masks will become part of the PPE.
Hopefully, everyone will appreciate that this is a move forward of living with Covid.
If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. I will be on annual leave until next Wednesday. However, I will be contactable via email for any urgent matters.