‘Advance care planning’ (ACP) is the term used to describe the conversation between people, their families and carers and those looking after them about their future wishes and priorities for care.  

Advance Care Planning is key to improving care for people nearing the end of life and enabling better planning and provision of care to help them live well and die well in the place and the manner they choose. It enables people to discuss and record their future health and care wishes and also to appoint someone as an advocate or surrogate, thus making the likelihood of these wishes being known and respected at the end of life. 

The main goal is to clarify peoples’ wishes, needs and preferences and deliver care to meet these needs. 

We are delighted to announce that staff at the home will be commencing an intensive training programme in October with the intention of gaining the nationally acclaimed Gold Standard Framework Accreditation when the programme ends in March 2024. 

Members of the Senior Management have been tasked with the responsibility of introducing and integrating the ethos of the programme and sharing their newly developed knowledge and skills with all members of Team Hendra.